Autopilot™ Awareness


To improve our performance, we must understand our strengths and challenges and what creates them. To aid in this understanding Performex has created the Autopilot concept.

The autopilot is a collection of both positive and negative default behaviors that people display without awareness and without a concerted effort to act more appropriately. We all have an autopilot mode, and it consists of our typical reflexive reactions to given situations or people.

The benefit of autopilots is that they save time and mental effort, and they often work well. They come in handy by simplifying and speeding up our responses to familiar situations. Our autopilot is our brain understanding what has worked for us in the past and selecting what might work again, especially in an emergency. However, this response may not ideal for certain situations or roles.

Autopilot behaviors are hard to break because they are deeply wired into our brains by constant repetition. It is even more difficult to change our autopilot if the majority of those behaviors have worked or been accepted in the past.

This page offers tools for you to identify your Autopilot, understand how it affects your day-day behaviors and develop plans to grow awareness and better manage the circumstances it impacts..

GROW Coaching for the Autopilot™ guides a coach through the process for increasing Autopilot™ Awareness.

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The Autopilot™ Awareness Assessment helps participants determine their Autopilot™ which is often an OBSTACLE for improvement.

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Select a participant to complete the Autopilot Self Assessment

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The Managing Your Autopilot™ article provides options for participants to increase awarenss and manage their Autopilot™.

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Select a participant to read the Managing Your Autppilot Article

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The Autopilot™ workbook guides the participant through a process to develop OPTIONS & a WAY FORWARD for improving Autopilot™ Awareness.