Delegate A Task

Delegation Planning Tool
Level Of Importance *
Level of Urgency *

Assessment Questions

1. Is it critical that I complete the task? Do only I have unique knowledge and expertise, and authority? *
2. Does the employee have the "skill" and "will" to complete the task? *
3. Is the assignment within the employee’s scope of responsibility? *
4. Can the employee work autonomously and complete a credible draft for how to accomplish the work? *
5. Does the employee have adequate time to complete the assignment or task? *
6. Do I have the time to coach the employee and answer questions? *
7. Are the needed resources available to the employee? *
8.Will the employee develop needed behaviors and skills by taking on the assignment? *

RECOMMENDATION: All Systems are GO! Delegate the task!

To proceed select a completion date for the task along with the current status and then click "Submit."

RECOMMENDATION: Further analysis is required. The following issue(s) could arise:

Based on your response to question 1, it is critical that you complete the task because you have the knowledge and expertise, and authority.

Based on your response to question 2, the employee may have skill or initiative gaps. Are the skill gaps manageable? If yes, consider delegating the task to them but be prepared to provide the necessary coaching and /or resources. If not delegate to others who are capable of taking on the task.

Based on your response to question 3, the task you plan to delegate is beyond the employee's current scope of responsibility. If this is a development opportunity for the employee, be sure to provide the necessary resources and feedback if you proceed. If this is a mission critical task, be sure to check progress regularly or consider assigning the task to another person.

Based on your response to question 4, the task you plan to delegate may require too much oversight by you. It is important to choose someone who can grow and execute the assignment without undue dependency on you.

Based on your response to question 5, the employee may not have the time to complete the task within the allotted time. If giving the individual this additional task creates the inability to complete his/her own work, then find another person to whom you can delegate, or work with the person to delegate or re-assign some of his or her tasks to others who are capable of taking on those tasks.

Based on your response to question 6, you may not have the time to adequately support the employee with coaching and reinforcement. See if you can make the time to coach the employee, answer questions, check progress, and contribute if necessary. If you can't, consider delegating the task to someone else who is more capable.

Based on your response to question 7, the employee doesn't have the resources needed to successfully complete the task. If the necessary resources cannot be made available, delegate to another person who is capable of taking on the task.

Based on your response to question 8, the task won't develop the employee's skills. If the task is mundane but you need help with your workload, delegate and explain that even though the task is not challenging, you are grateful for their help in getting it done. If the task is beyond the skill set required for the current job, delegate to them if they have the potential for broadening their skills and the learning agility to preform..

If you need to delegate this task to another candidate, scroll up and select an employee and answer the assessment questions again.

If you want to proceed delegating to the selected employee, select the Completion Date & Status and then click "Submit."